Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Favorite use for OLD PHOTOS?? Oh so many uses...
VINTAGE PHOTOS Is one of my most favorite things. I like to use with flowers and buttons.
They also look awesome used with stamped images.
You can also use glossy accents for an awesome effect.
I love to use old photos to brighten up cards, add pop and dimension, and 'soften' some cards. There are so many uses and I never seem to have enough .
Can't wait to see what you create with them.
I mostly do cards, so when I use old pictures, they are usually the focal point of my creation.
I like adding buttons or chipboard to the middles, layering them, combining textures.
I love to use them on wooden letters, primitive tags.
I think vintage images just add that perfect finishing touch! Big ones, small ones it doesn't matter, I just love them.
I add them on packages for weddings and showers- the uses are endless!!!
but I love to layer them as the focal point on a card and put a sparkle (glitter or crystal) as the center.I use old photos on almost anything, because they add the right touch to altered items, scrapbook page, books.
But I even like putting them on gift bags that I embellish! It just adds that extra touch! So feel free to copy and make some art with them , and comeback to get more!!!!!Have fun!!!!

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